Bambara (Alternative / Punk Noir / NYC) + Support: Steppenkind (D)2G+
Bambara (Alternative / Punk Noir / NYC) + Support: Steppenkind (D)2G+

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One thing you won’t be able to avoid on Bambara’s Stray is death. It’s everywhere and inescapable, abstract and personified – perhaps the key to the whole record. Death, however, won’t be the first thing that strikes you about the group’s fourth – and greatest – album to date. That instead will be its pulverising soundscape; by turns, vast, atmospheric, cool, broiling and at times – on stand out tracks like “Sing Me To The Street” and “Serafina” – simply overwhelming
Bambara – twin brothers Reid and Blaze Bateh, singer/guitarist and drummer respectively, and bassist William Brookshire – have been evolving their midnight-black noise into something more subtle and expansive ever since the release of their 2013 debut Dreamviolence. That process greatly accelerated on 2018’s Shadow On Everything, their first on New York’s Wharf Cat Records and a huge stride forward for the band both lyrically and sonically.
Nuha Ruby Ra:
East London’s avant-punk queen Nuha Ruby Ra has been spending the last year or so cultivating a dedicated following and racking up an impressive catalogue of collaborators from around the world. She’s now set to release her debut EP ‘How To Move’ on Brace Yourself Records.
Cutting her teeth in various musical projects and art collectives, Nuha Ruby Ra is a performance powerhouse sharply focused on her own artistic vision. Regardless of who joins her in the studio or on stage, it’s a beast tamed and conducted by her. Equally adept to presenting these sermons with a chaotic, pulsating seven or eight person live band as she is stripping it right back to herself, the music is something that can be effortlessly molded to suit her mood. Constantly evolving and always adapting.
Nuha has performed alongside the likes of Bo Ningen, Uncanny Valley, Charlie Boyer and more, and appeared on recordings by Flamingods and Warmduscher. In the short time she’s been playing these tracks she’s amassed support slots with Fat White Family, Surfbort, Amyl and the Sniffers, Bambara, Japanese Television and has recently returned from a twelve-date tour with Snapped Ankles.