
Verlegt auf den 03.03.2023! NH3 (Ska Core / Punk, Italien) + SKIN OF TEARS (Skate Punk seit 1991, NRW)2G

Sa 05.03.22

Goldener Salon


Einlass: 20:00Beginn: 21:00

Eintritt: 15.00VVK: 12.00

Verlegt auf den 03.03.2023! NH3 (Ska Core / Punk, Italien) + SKIN OF TEARS (Skate Punk seit 1991, NRW)2G

Foto - Event - Verlegt auf den 03.03.2023!
NH3 (Ska Core / Punk, Italien) 
+ SKIN OF TEARS (Skate Punk seit 1991, NRW)

The story of NH3 starts in August 2002 in Villa San Martino district in Pesaro. The friendship that bonds the historic core of the band dates back to many years before, and the passion for music has helped these guys to harmonize what has become the current line-up. Bleachers and sports arenas, the love for the roots of their working class district, the “united we stand” attitude and anti-racism/anti-fascism ideals, shape the nature of the band from the beginning. The Band takes its first steps and, with the adding of the winds section, they strongly move towards aggressive rhythms and active lyrics.

A continuous evolution and growth on the stage and on the road playing through Italy, ensures that in 2009 the first album of the band, called “30 Agosto 2002” comes out. The year 2011 marks a change in the story of the band from Pesaro: after spending the whole spring in the recording studios, they come up in a totally renewed version. With “EROI SENZA VOLTO” (which means “Faceless Heroes” One Step Records) the band reaches important stages and they start to get close to the italian ad foreign anti-fascist scene. The tour goes on with very good feedback, and for the first time NH3 can overstep the italian frontiers with their first European tour (Austria, Croatia, Germany Czech Republic). With experience, umilty and with the influence of the different places where NH3 have been playing in those 2 years, they finally come to the right mix that allows the band to write the third album. So in July 2013 a strong album was born: “RISE UP” (One Step Record), with a combat and militant sonority, an aggressive and strong sound, is also influenced by upbeat rhythms and punk hardcore. The new album brings the band to his second European tour. From 2013 and 2015 the boys have been taking their music all around clubs and festivals, from Berlin to Paris, to the Mighty Sound in Czech Republic. In 2016 they release “HATE AND HOPE” (Long Beach Records/Indie Box) with another European tour: Punk Rock Holiday in Slovenia, and Revenidas in Spain are just 2 of the most important festivals which give “Hate and Hope” its great success. NH3 become one of the most powerful bands in the European ska-core scene, with overwhelming and engaging live shows. in March 2019 the 5th album "SUPERHERO" is released by Long Beach Records in Europe/UK and by POPR Records in US/Canada: it is strongly influenced by punk-hardcore and ska-funk sounds. NH3 SUPPORT: Sea Shepherd Conservation Society.


aus Wermelskirchen (NRW) mischen seit 1991 mit im großen Punk Rock Circus und gehören damit zu den Pionieren des Melodic Core aus deutschen Landen. Rasant und abwechslungsreich, dynamisch und auf den Punkt brettern sie durch viele Spielarten ihres Genres und halten immer wieder Hooklines zum Mitnehmen bereit. In kleinen Clubs und als auch auf große Bühnen kennen sich SKIN OF TEARS bestens aus und bieten überall eine energiegeladene Show fernab von der Lethargie so mancher erfolgsverwöhnter Genregröße.
FAKE MY DAY heißt das neue Album. Gewohnt in Eigenregie veröffentlicht und gepowert durch den Vertrieb von GUNNER RECORDS, überrascht es Kritiker und Fans mit einer ungeahnter Frische und Spielfreude.
Mit Unterbrechung - sozusagen "brutto" - sind SKIN OF TEARS seit 25 Jahren unterwegs und haben sich mit hohem Sympathiefaktor einen bemerkenswerten Kultstatus erspielt. (Video zu "New Horizon")
