Mini Skirt (AUS) & The Gents (HH)
Mini Skirt (AUS) & The Gents (HH)

Mini Skirt (Aus)
Australia still on top!! Don`t miss that band!!
Northern New South Wales band Mini Skirt play Aussie pub punk that captures the climate of current-day Australia, things aren’t always picturesque and idyllic; the vocals are urgent and frustrated while the music has a rawness and melody sonically painting a picture of the hope through the struggle.
I believe punk has found a rightful home in the Land Down Under.
Byron Bay’s greatest and grittiest garage rock band, Mini Skirt, have just dropped their debut record. So proud of these boys, couldn’t think of a better debut album .This album is literally a BOMB! Raw, melodic, powerful from the beginning till the last song. Laid back and in your face - this is a brilliant album! Aussies mate. The music scene out there is untouchable. A Top tier album.
It took us long enough. But everything about that floating penal rock calls for punk music. It’s hot, it’s dry (and still savage). The poison still flows beneath the ground there, something I can’t say about many other places. Where punk all began is another thing that is still debated today. I say it started in blue collar America. It was then sent across the pond by cannon fodder, and took its truest form there. What made punk so ludicrous was when it was adopted by the English accent. It fit it so well. Something about the grit and deficit of what once was sophisticated being translated into quick bursts of new English rule solidified the genre.
Punk hat im Land Down Under ein rechtmäßiges Zuhause gefunden. The greatest and grittiest Garage-Rock-Band von Byron Bay, Mini Skirt, liefert hier ihr Debütalbum ab - und es ist buchstäblich eine B-O-M-B-E!! Roh, melodisch, kraftvoll von Anfang bis zum letzten Song. Entspannt und ins Gesicht - ein brillantes Album! Markante Riffs, kratzige Vocals mit australischem Akzent und Texte, die als grobkörnige Blue-Collar-Poesie dienen. Die Musikszene da draußen ist unantastbar. "Casino" bezieht sich nicht auf eine schillernde Glücksspielanlage, sondern auf die regionale Stadt im Norden von New South Wales, in der die Band einen Ausflug unternahm, um einige Songs zu schreiben. Eine Top-Platte für Fans von Stiff Richards vs Eddie Current S.R. vs Stooges vs Poison Idea - es ist alles da: Punk, HC, Garage und guter alter, schmutziger RnR! Fuckn Killer!! (Flight 13)
The Gents (HH)
Brandnew garagepunk outfit from Hamburg!! First show ever!! Get excited!!