Celeste + Support: Conjurer (Black Metal)2G+
Celeste + Support: Conjurer (Black Metal)2G+

With more than 600 shows all around the world, with appearances in the most prestigious festivals of extreme music (Hellfest, Roskilde, Copenhell, SummerBreeze, Brutal Assault, Roadburn, Psycho Las Vegas, ...), 1 EP and 5 albums, CELESTE has succeeded in creating its own musical atmosphere, and is today considered as one of the most important band of the "French Avant-Garde Black-Metal" scene.
For 15 years, the French metal band has produced an hybrid music, rich in influences, as difficult to define, as it is easy to recognize. Cleverly mixing black metal, post-metal, and hardcore sounds, CELESTE has created a music as singular as it is violent, oppressive, and dark.
After their EP, Pessimiste(s) released in 2006, the band’s first album was released in 2007 with Nihiliste(s). CELESTE continues to sink into an ever more intense darkness with Misanthrope(s) (2009), then Morte(s) Née(s) (2010) which comes to close the evolution of the creative process to the extreme limit.