
Rotten Sound (Grindcore, Finnland) + Possible Damage (Powerviolence, Grind / Münster)

Mi 26.04.23



Einlass: 20:00Beginn: 21:00

Eintritt: 20.00VVK: 17.00

Rotten Sound (Grindcore, Finnland) + Possible Damage (Powerviolence, Grind / Münster)

Foto - Event - Rotten Sound (Grindcore, Finnland)
+ Possible Damage (Powerviolence, Grind / Münster)

ROTTEN SOUND have firmly established themselves as one of the leading acts of the grindcore scene. Expertly wielding the fierce brutality and massive aggression of their genre, the Finns add intelligent songwriting, effective arrangements, and musical proficiency as well as subtle death metal elements to their sound.

Their new EP ‘Suffer to Abuse’, which is not to be confused with their latest full-length album, ‘Abuse to Suffer’ (2016), embodies those aforementioned virtues to the point. The EP delivers seven short sharp chops that hit home perfectly.

ROTTEN SOUND was conceived in the city of Vaasa, Finland by guitarist Mika Aalto in 1993, who was soon joined by vocalist and word-smith Keijo Niinimaa. The duo still remains in place and with drummer Sami Latva and bassist Kristian Toivainen, the line-up has been the same since 2010.

The Finns can field an impressive catalogue of seven highly acclaimed studio albums, now eight EPs, three split singles, a single, and a live DVD. Furthermore, ROTTEN SOUND have already conquered the stages of all major metal and hardcore oriented festivals and also toured in regular intervals alongside such renowned acts as NASUM, PHOBIA, DISFEAR, CARCASS, MUNICIPAL WASTE, EXHUMED, NAPALM DEATH, and PIG DESTROYER – among many others.

With ‘Suffer to Abuse’, ROTTEN SOUND are gearing up their musical juggernaut just in time before crushing the stages. Hold on tight and enjoy the bliss of this heavily whirling grind-tornado!


Possible Damage // Powerviolence, Grind // Münster

Supported by JEVER LIVE
